
By JillyMint


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This little thing is Yvette (I told you I don't pick the names!). She is an old Shetland pony and Frisky's stable-mate.
This photo was taken at 8am this morning before I left for work; as you can see, she is on her own.
The reason for this lies in the field behind where you may just be able to make out the shapes of a large number of ewes which have appeared by magic since the weekend. Frisky is spending quite a large proportion of his time at the bottom of his field trying to work out how to cross the 'river' to get to their field....
I would love to take a picture of him in lovelorn mode but there is NO way I am entering the field with him as he is very good at butting people!

Some sad news today. I have lost another robin. I will definitely be chasing Madam (and Sir for that matter) next time I see them. :(

Canon 5D; 400mm; ISO400; f/8; 1/25"

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