Learning day by day

By EmmaF

My Mummy

Photo care of guest Blipper Carys May Faulkner age 4 and three quarters. Not the best quality but then her camera is not of the best quality. Wish she had been using my compact for this as I love the shot.

William spent the night lying on my chest saying 'I wamp oo, Mummy' and basically burning up. When he woke in the morning he was very clingy and still hot to touch so I decided not to send him to Tina's. Poor Carys, that decision totally screwed up her day. We were planning to go swimming with her friend G and her Mummy and little sister and then a friend from school had been coming to play in the afternoon.

When I told her school friend's Mum that Will was ill, she decided not to send her daughter and suggested we rearrange. When I told G's Mum she suggested C went round there to play. Oh people are so different. So thanks to G's Mum C had a lovely morning while Will and I read books and did jigsaws and he didn't move far from my knee.

This afternoon they both played quite nicely together, thanks to a bit of calpol, with Will coming regularly for Mummy cuddles like the one in the photo. Early but long bath at 15.30, bit of Cbeebies, tea and bed. Both asleep before 6PM, but iti s now 7.15 and I have been up to William four times already.

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