Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Cheetah (2)

Now I have done a Cheetah before, and possibly better but these are one of my favourite animals and I couldn't resist him despite having a shot of two otters and a good shot of my two monkeys.

Will (and I ) had a bad nights sleep and he woke with a temp of 39 degrees, but it did come down with calpol. I decided that the planned trip to the zoo should go ahead but that I would take the buggy as a back stop. Good job I did, Will fell asleep in the car on the way (unheard of) and woke when we arrived. He then happily got into the buggy (unheard of) and stayed put until we stopped for lunch.

I do like Whipsnade, we have been members now for almost a year and yet we still manage to spend a full day there without any problem. Today we arrived at 10am and left at 5pm, not a bad day out I would say. The train was running today and William even managed a little jig of excitement when we got our tickets. He spent the afternoon walking (at a snails pace) and generally trying to tell Carys and I where to go next.

Will fell asleep halfway home and I managed to scoop him up to bed without him waking, although he woke after 90mins enough for me to give him some neurofen and settle him back. C managed to remain awake all the way home, despite being awake in the night and ending up in the big bed with Daddy.

Wondering what tomorrow will bring. Had been planning to take them swimming after I had been in the gym, but my throat is still telling me that running is not a good idea (really annoying as I was beginning to feel like I was getting somewhere like fit) and if W still has a temp...

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