heading for thin ice

When we lived in Canada in a little shoebox apartment in Legoland, Creekside, Whistler we had some lovely friends who had a slightly bigger apartment closer to the village that housed them and two lovely chocolate labs (the tall, lean North American kind, not the short fat kind we see around here) who we would walk whenever we could find the time. The best place to take them in winter was onto the golf course near the apartment and Brodie and Kona would romp around in the snow much as Storm and Phoenix do now. In fact it was at least in part our experience with these two lovely dogs that led to us having our two lovely dogs.

I was reminded of all this in a flash today as Storm barrelled down this slope into this tarn. Brodie and Kona would often run flat out onto the frozen water features on the golf course - they knew what they were and would enjoy the slide (Storm is still learning and was a little surprised to not be swimming). We were under strict instructions from Brodie and Kona's parents to not try to rescue them if they fell through the ice - there were too many stories of people who had ventured out onto the ice to save their dogs only to fall through and perish themselves (with the dog normally finding it's way out...).

Luckily the ice held - not bad for two days of cold weather. It was a beautiful day up there again.

Also had the joy of towing a stranded Landrover out of a snowdrift -always nice in a cheaper, very Japanese van...

More snow photos from today and yesterday here on Flickr.

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