C is for ...... cute!!!

Ok, so I'm stretching the alphchallenge a bit here but he is SO cute!!

Today both Ponty and I felt a lot better so we decided to do the sensible thing and only go out locally for a little while so as not to tempt fate. The weather was fairly mild and we headed down to Forest Farm Nature Reserve.

Made sure I put my pet Water Rail, Walter, in my pocket so that Ponty had a chance to make up for missing out on Tuesday at Slimbridge!!

Spring has most definitely sprung as far as the woodland birds are concerned. Masses of Great, Blue and Coal Tits around as soon as any food was in the offing. Managed to get within a metre of this lovely chappy who sang beautifully to me. Here he is again.

Almost blipped the Nuthatch though. Never been so close to one. What fabulous birds they are.

The Heron was looking rather spruce too.

Loads of Mallards around, all pairing off, Magpies galore, Jays and a Buzzard. No luck with the Kingfisher though.

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