Home Sweet Home

It is good to be home, the chickens seem pleased to see us and even laid a double yolker for Ben's tea. I spent the day doing laundry and took advantage of the near empty fridge to clean it. I may have also made a rocky road and some cookies...

The big excitement of today was escapologist Red getting out while I was cooking tea. He made it out onto the main road where a nurse spotted him and stopped her car realising he was too small to be wandering the streets. She took him to the fire station who of course contacted the police.

By the time we realised he really was gone and not hiding, he was happily ensconced in the off duty room with a nurse, 5 firefighters and a policeman entertaining him with fire engines and a pool table. When I arrived he was thoroughly indifferent and made it quite clear he would rather stay there than come home for his tea.

That child has knocked years off my life I tell you...

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