My Life Is Not Average

By melamny

The world's most famous execution


I let myself sleep in this morning - only until 8am - before going to help out at the free breakfast the Christian Union has been serving to students at King's Buildings every day this week. It was fun, even though a lot of people completely blanked me as I said "free tea, coffee, bacon sandwiches!". I think everyone should do flyering at some point in their lives to see how it feels.

Physics workshop after that, but I didn't get much done, then a talk on "can we know absolute truth?" at lunchtime. A few of my friends came again, and stayed afterwards to ask questions but I had to run to my lab.

This evening, Charity and I had a couple of friends by for dinner and then we all went to a talk in the evening, "the world's most famous execution", again run by the CU. It was good, and there was lots of good food there too!

God is relational.

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