Davince net

By Davince

Highs and Lows of a photographer

Early blippage from me today. I spent a large part of last night wondering if High Key and Low Key could be achieved in one frame or in other words without photo-shopping two images together.

I pondered on flags, reflectors and lighting, woke early this morning and decided to give it a go. Took an hour so well over my usual 365 shot of the day allowance, but I think worth it as an exercise in light control if not that impacting of a final image!

I also got told off and informed I was a meany for what I said about my son yesterday after his inability to pose. Soooorrrryyy Ed :p

he's so bright and well behaved that it seems a simple task to me to pose - I keep forgetting the poor lad is only 3 ;)

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