Davince net

By Davince


Today was supposed to be a simple blip. Everyone knows that childrens toys make blipping an absolute breeze!


Firstly, I wasn't sure what to go for - my toys, or my son's toys. I didn't think my toys (extreme nerd alert - I design and build radio control helicopters and aircraft) would be of interest, and they're the sort of toys that really need to be doing something to be of interest, and there is no way I'm letting anyone else near them while I have the camera!

Secondly, deciding it had to be son and toys, I had the problem of my son. He is without doubt the most frustrating, annoying human being to photograph on the planet, period.

'look at the camera Ed!'
Ed looks at the wall
'relax Ed'
Every muscle in Ed's body go into spasms of contortion as his face screws up into a grimace.

and so on.

So photo shoots with Ed last a matter of a minute or two or the safety of my camera comes into question!

On a positive note, my car passed it's MOT today. I was convinced on the drive there that it would be the last time I drove the car, other than maybe to the scrap yard, but it sailed through with only a bulb needing to be changed!!!

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