Hector's House

By MisterPrime


The full Paris tourist experience today. We went right to the top of the Eiffel Tower and then walked back to Notre Dame via the banks of the Seine and the Jardin des Tuilleries. Lunch at a menu touristique place on the Left Bank and on to the Pompidou Centre for a bit of modern art in the afternoon.

This mural is at one corner of the Place George Pompidou - I think the contrast of old and new is one of the things that makes the whole area round Beaubourg so cool...

Later on, popping round the corner to the Supermarche, we saw John Malkovich on his mobile. He's directing Les Liaisons Dangereuses at a small theatre right by the hotel. A genuine Hollywood superstar (and a cool one to boot) - I was so excited I squeezed Beck's hand a bit too tight and she thought it was a mugger...!

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