who's that...

...looking back at me?

very little processing on this photo today - it's just as it is - how the light was reflecting on the lake... catching the coot... in the shimmering water...

have you looked though - in the mirror... and wondered? who is that - looking back at me? whose face is that... with lines or not... with the story of life written on it... with make-up or without (for the ladies among us)... is it full of light - joy - experience - shadows - weariness - the everyday of day-to-day... would you like it to be someone else's face? are you comfortable with it or do you find yourself pulling at the edges... shifting it around - thinking about the cost of possible perfection... do you live with any what if's?

i find myself satisfied with my face... it's grown with me over the years - though there are things i might desire changed, it wouldn't be me if i did... for instance, i have this tiny little scar at the edge of one eyebrow... i've no idea how i got it - must have been a cut of some kind long ago that i don't remember - would i alter that because of its slight imperfection? i think not... it's a part of my identity even if i'm remiss about its origin - i believe my nose is too large but that's a family trait, too... being at ease in our own skin is essential - it helps us to relate to others on a primary level... in fact, i'd go so far as to say it also helps me to identify with my fine animal friends, too. just a thought - anything to make interacting with them a bit easier works for me - and that makes for...


happy day.....

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