18/29 wacky edit

Ladies prayer meeting this morning which I'd been asked to lead worship at, thankfully even with Family Guy and NCIS in the background last night I seem to have had my ears open to God as I was preparing! Earliest I've been out in a long time. Charley came with me and spent an hour and a half on the boob snoozing and pooing, and then lay on the floor afterwards and listened to me playing the piano for a few minutes. My piano playing skills are getting very very rusty these days. Hey ho. One of these years I'll get back into playing again! Lovely time this morning though. God seems to be really trying to get the message across to us at the moment to just be, and spend time with Him.

Home to drop Charley off as I thought he wanted some playtime rather than driving time as I had to go to the supermarket for groceries and diesel, but it turned out that he actually wanted wraptime and I came home to find him rather expertly snuggled on Steve in the Ellaroo!! Good job Steve! Looked beautifully wrapped and very snug and comfy and Charley obviously appreciated it because he was snoring away contentedly. As was Steve, on and off.

Tried to take some pictures of Ben's eyes as well but he gives me mere moments to do this kind of thing and then all of a sudden he went into catalogue-boy mode and posed for me! Today's brief was "wacky edits" but try as I might I couldn't bring myself to make the edit too wacky, so it's just one of my usual cutting and pasting kinda jobs which I enjoy doing :) All three of my boys.

Ben has asked repeatedly to go to Grandma and Grandad's house (I think we need to unpack his trunki really!) and has told us that Grandma is on her way today and has been very sad when we've had to say no she's not, and there are no plans for another sleepover very soon anyway :(

I put Charley in a cloth nappy when he woke this afternoon and then his dungarees wouldn't do up again. I've had to move him up into a set of 3-6 month dungarees. I am honestly flabbergasted. The boy is growing at a rate of knots. He is 3 months old next week. I am not used to going through clothes this quickly! Ok so the cloth bums are making him need bigger of certain things but he really is growing. He has his 3 month check a week on Monday so I'm sure the HV will weigh him then but I ought to get out to the clinic really and get him weighed and measured!

Ben's had a wobbly couple of hours just now. I've been glued to the sofa - I suspect a growth spurt in Charley is on its way - and haven't been able to give his the cuddles that he's needed. He knows instinctively that he needs to be regularly grounded to me, and at the moment still that is as much a physical attachment as an emotional one. It centres him and grounds him and from that secure place of attachment he's able to then go and bounce off the ceilings again quite independently. He literally only needed 30 seconds or so of a booby cuddle (nothing else would do, and it wasn't even long enough to trigger the letdown!) before he was satisfied of his connection being reaffirmed and he was no longer wobbling emotionally. It's completely what we were talking about this morning, about how God wants us to remember that we need that regular reaffirming of our connection with Him, that regular grounding and recentering. And then from that place of secure attachment we can go out into the world again, knowing where our hope is! I love being Ben's mum. I'm learning a whole lot about God through being a mum.

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