
got "talked into" hanging out at the Rahr Brewery all afternoon. Rode some bikes in the rain and then after Rahr, O'Brien and I headed to T/P Tavern for several more beers. Here he is eating nachos or something. But after all this madness, back home for another beer, then the food truck park with him and Leah (she needed a study break). Due to the heavy rains and cold, we were the only ones there--we got free desserts! Alas, I'm full--incredible pulled BBQ pork grilled cheese with Gruyere.

Okay, so seriously Blip, let's cut to the chase: your outpouring of support and well-wishes from yesterday's one-year Blip was un-fucking-believable. The views, the favorites, the stars. But beyond that, your words, your genuine positivity. Wow. Totally and sincerely floored from the love. Thank you to you all, each of you: the new subscribers, the old friends, all of you. I raise my glass to you, Bliplandia. Once more, you sustain me, you make me thrive more thoroughly and completely. Incredible.

Note: today is Kathryn's 365, too, so make sure you stop by and give her some love.

Note Note: yeah, yeah, another fisheye shot. what of it? the lens goes back to Liz tomorrow.

Note Note Note: here is the corresponding video I made. Still trying to figure out the camera's abilities, or rather, my abilities.

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