Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

The Light of Christ shines around and within us.

flagThis is the day my husband Paul and daughter Maria return home from a few days with the family.We have phoned each other every day to stay in touch.
I stayed home to avoid spreading my cold/flu virus. Still feel weak and run down. Solititude can be a good thing too.
I am joyful as the hours pass, I have missed them alot. I wonder how they really feel in Heaven when the wanderers turn to God's unconditional Love and seek the Way Jesus marked out , so selflessly and realise how simple His message is: Love God and Love your neighbour as yourself. Love and the light of Christ can be central to many religious or spiritual paths. I took this picture when it was near to noon and the sunlight radiates so directly across the parish church. The idea of "Go in peace to love and serve the Lord "is symbolically represented by all the vehicles around this 900year old well loved church. The starlings sing triumphantly from the turrets near the flag and I feel so happy on this blue skied day that God is in His heaven and all is right with the world. Jesus is the light of my world.

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