This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

I woke up early and decided today was the day to go up Arthur's seat. Stewart has wanted to take me there for a while but I confess I am a bit freaked out by hills and mountains. They psyche me out every time. But, I decided I was ready today. It was beautiful and sunny so we walked there through the park and then up, up, up... There were a lot of American tourists up there being verbose and loud... You know how Americans can be... ;)

So we looked around up top and then jetted over to Crow hill and sat down, had a treat and enjoyed the sun. Then I wanted to see the ruins of St. Anthony's Chapel so we did that too, and then we walked around the Scottish Parliment and I saw the unicorn atop the gate guarding The Queen's palace. I never knew Unicorn's were known for their guarding skillz... Anyway, then we just walked around town towards home and it was pretty because the sun was out and the clouds and shadows were lovely.

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