What did I see today...?

By DaveR

The Interloper!

Catching up on Sunday with a lunchtime Blip, very refreshing.

This precocious little blur of a cat is commonly known in our house as 'the cute one from next door' (and that's next door to the left, to the right is FLB's territory). The neighbours brought her home a year and a bit ago when she was a tiny, scared little kitten who then proceeded to attempt to eat every single plant across the back gardens while no one was looking.

She has grown up since then (though is still oddly condensed in terms of body length) and is much less scared, so much so that this was the only decent shot I got of her - the rest of the time she was mewing around my legs in constant, giddy motion. She was even brave enough to poke her head around the kitchen door, sit on the backstep and pretend she owned the place.

Moving day is now looming, it's probably going to be a Fri/Sat/Sun affair, so get ready for Blips of boxes, the new house and various packing/unpacking debacles.

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