Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Little monkey

Neil is off work today and tomorrow so we've enjoyed spending time together. We had sing and sign this morning where we learnt the signs for nappy changing, then we came home and Henry had a 2.5hr nap! He's always the same on Monday's, I have to cut his morning nap short to get to sing and sign on time so he's always tired.

Neil went to pick up some new fish for the tank while we were out and by the time we emerged from bed they were swimming around and looking happy in their new home.

After that we had a poo explosion (Henry, not Neil or me!), cooked dinner and went to visit Neil's parents before coming home for story time, bath and bed.

Today's blip is Henry with his monkey. This came with his play gym and it's always been his favourite part of it - even when he was only 3 weeks old he used to stare at it. When he was a bit older he would smile at it, now he sucks his tail, waves him around and giggles.

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