Trim Trailer

Gordon swinging around on the trim-trail in the playground after school. He's a real wee monkey! Katie and Gordon came out of school all excited that Primary 1 and 2 had been "consulted" about the new adventure play equipment to be installed in John Muir Country Park - "We're very lucky because we're the only school being consulted!" So, I hope there'll be a little trip to christen it once it's in place by summer.

Over the weekend I did a couple of big-ish rides and photographed those. I also tried out a couple of iPhone GPS mapping apps and I definitely recommend MapMyRide, which produced Sunday's routemap and stats. It auto-pauses which is great for stopping to take photos and the route is uploaded to their website as above. The Saturday app was MotionX-GPS, which I didn't like so much. It auto-stopped-completely half way round, doesn't seem to have a website for routes and was just generally second-best. One thing I did like about it was pre-loading map images from Bing before I left the house - if that's something you need because you're out of 3G range on your route then it's worth a look.

So, I'm off to part with £1.50 for the full version of MayMyRide which lets me do various extra things - like add photos and listen to music. I'll never use the music - on the road it's dangerous and off road I like to hear the wind and the birds - but they certainly deserve £1.50 for that amazing piece of software.

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