Louise - Changing Natures

By louisemac


Today was a good day. It saw the launch reception of Re-Capture - a youth-led photography project focussing on young people's recovery from eating disorders.

It's been an absolute privilege to support the young people as part of my work, offering a helping hand when needed but mostly moral support. It's a powerful and moving project with young people telling their own story of recovery through pictures and words.

Of course if anyone understands the power of that combination, it is a blipper. So I was delighted when the Bllpfoto team accepted our invitation to come along.

This shot shows one of the Blipfoto team G taking his own pic of Lauren, who shared her story in a moving and inspirational speech.

If you head over to Joe's page you'll see his take on it. Thanks also to Acronymphomania for all his support for the project - his blip might also feature this fab event!

You can see all the work yourself over at Recapture Project gallery

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