
By LeeAnne


29 Day February Challenge

Five o'clock shadow!

I decided last night that since it was pretty unlikely that we were going to see any sunshine, I would do something a bit different for the topic today. You know when you have an idea in your head although I think for me to be able to have taken the picture I wanted I would need to know what I'm doing and a studio with a shedload of lighting! but it never really comes out the way you imagine? Today was a bit like that. Apart from seriously lacking in suitable models, mainly because our office have this lame policy about the boys being clean shaven. There's one rebel, although I think it's more about it being his look than him being a rebel, personally I think you should be allowed to have a your own style but what do I know?! I've always been tempted by a nose or any eyebrow piercing simply cause it would be frowned upon, but he's seriously camera shy so no joy with him. One day I'll ask him cause clearly I'm not going to take the hint! and he'll say yes to one of my portraits.

I passed the IT room this afternoon and by sheer chance one of the lads is up from London this week so I asked him if he'd lend me his chin. He was delighted reluctant to help so I ran upstairs for my camera before he bottled it! It would have done the job of a five o'clock shadow, if you allowed for the fact that it's probably a weeks' worth of five o'clock shadows! So thank you to Ralph for being my model but I found a better victim example of the kind of shadow I was after. He was no less reluctant delighted to assist in my challenge for the day.

So there you have my shadow!

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