
By LeeAnne

Shooting for highlight...

29 Day February Challenge

What?? It's a light and it's high!! :oP

Lying on the floor in one of the rooms at work... we're really lucky, our office is pretty spectacular with it's chandeliers and period features. I'm not very technical minded in my photography as yet and whilst I get the whole highlight thing, I figured I'd do something different... there's a pattern forming with this!

My friend John gave me some tips on exposure with this and he is techie minded when it comes to photography. If I'm ever even half as good as he is I'll be chuffed!

So I'm home early with a cheeky wee afternoon off work and I'm off up to see the twitchy one and pixel8 and hopefully a lot of hot blokes while B celebrates his retirement. I almost bought him a gardening magazine so he can get started on the garden shed but I found something slightly less cheeky and a bit more entertaining instead!

First day of lent and I'm giving up crisps and chocolate. Day one is going well but I've only been awake for seven hours. Not sure how it works with a party on the first day! (I'm not even remotely religious but I figure I need some excuse to get my lardy arse into gear!)

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