Life with our boys

By Lifewithourboys

Pretty little things..

I spotted these pretty pink flowers budding on one of my maple trees. They added a little bit of color to the otherwise very grey and wet sky. Quite a gloomy day outside today and I sure could use some sunnier days. These grey days really start to take their toll on me. Please let the sun come out soon!

I spent the day taking care of Jack who woke up with a fever, sore throat, stuffy nose, headache and eventually began throwing up. I think the throwing up was due to his bad headache though. Poor things gets hit so hard with these headaches and I wish the Dr. would give me answers or at least a direction to go with them.

I'm also on day two of painting my home office. I say this every time I paint but I "will never paint again". I guess that is until it's time to paint the next room. We are remodeling the office and it's becoming a bit of a chore and not as enjoyable as I once thought it would be. I'm struggling bringing color schemes, furniture and textures together. Lets hope I get this under control SOON!

Hope you are all doing well. Thanks for stopping by.

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