Being 7

I had a very tasteful pussy willow prepared but could not resist this!! On arrival at school this afternoon this lovingly made fairy cake was waiting for me! It was smallest girl's birthday and her mummy has been busy making cakes to spell out Happy Birthday Rhea - one of the As had been saved for me! Much giddiness ensued as she marvelled at the fact that she could be 7; we ate cake and played bingo to celebrate. Her party is on saturday. I asked her if I w s invited - some serious thought took place then she replied, no but maybe next year. I live in hope.

Still recovering from Melancholia - I had to walk out after an hour. It was all filmed on a hand held camera and nothing was ever still. I suffer from motion sickness and just felt terrible. I wasn't alone - at least 6 other people staggered out blaming the popcorn! A shame, as what I did manage to look at looked good. What is the point of using that filming techniquei f your audience can't actually watch it. Himself stuck it out to the end ( I had a rather boring hour and a quarter wait in the foyer) but didnt feel that good either and hasn't had much to say about the film.

Other news - I have signed up to take part in the countryside bird watch annual survey. All the bumpf came today and it looks frighteningly technical - help, I need a Gladders or Mollyblobs. I have been assigned a quadrent on an OS map and must proceed there once in April and again in June and gather very specific information. The bad news is - this information has to be gathered between 6-7am!! And it's a good hour's drive to my quadrent.Feck!!

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