22/29 shooting for highlight

Ben will be starting preschool again after Easter (provided I get his registration form in!). I think he's going to be fine. He spent ages this morning playing with lego with one of the staff at Little Fishes. They built a huge tower! I suspect it was a spaceship :)

Still wearing a skirt and coloured tights. Quite enjoying it! Took some pictures of myself and the boys when we got in to see if the set-up would work for the challenge - and it would have done, if by the time the sun was in the right place it hadn't've been covered by cloud. Still, we got a nice mummy and boys portrait!

Lunch of beans followed by pancakes and Ben barely ate anything again. Lunchtime is obviously not a good time for him to eat...

Made Ben a helmet this afternoon. It's a superhero/spaceman/deep sea diver/robot helmet, to go with his cardboard box/rocket ship/submarine/robot body :-) It's silver and has blue lightening zigzags on it because he IS blue. (On the Wii. And he ALWAYS wins.)

Oh yes. The picture. He was actually in a really good mood at this point! He chose the pose, kept coming to see the pictures, adjusted his pose, got another shot :D

He was playing on the Wii this afternoon and I was really looking forward to racing against him, until just as Charley was falling asleep which was what I was waiting for he announced he was tired and wanted to watch a DVD... and then when Steve walked in Ben declared he wanted to play swords on the Wii with him! Bah. I shall play Wii games by myself then. ;-)

Then it was more pancakes for tea and we've had to make more batter so Steve can have sugar and lemon on his!! Yum.

Charley has developed a couple of new tricks this week, just in time for his 3rd monthiversary. He has enough upper body strength and head and neck control to sit up unaided for a minute or two. (On my lap, with my hands ready to catch him when he does the typical baby thing of toppling or going stiff as a board!) And, he's just discovered he can weight-bear on his legs and is quite enjoying standing, with help obviously! I was propping him up on the sofa this evening and he seemed to enjoy watching the goings-on behind us. I was going to save this for a proper 3-month update on Saturday but I could almost guarantee I'd forget by then!

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