
By Snaptilyoupop

Our awesome video

Our foray into the musical world is over. We didn't make Christmas Number One but at least we managed to raise a whack of cash for charity. Erm, I suppose that actually depends on your definition of the word 'whack'!

We received our iTunes figures this week and it's fair to say that they were pretty dismal... 87 downloads which resulted in just £50 for our charities. 87? Bugger!

We had a good campaign with almost 10 000 YouTube views, national radio and newspaper coverage plus numerous other media releases and a few celebrity high profile twitter fans but in the end it's the downloads that matter. 87! 87!!

It might have been so different. Due to a technical issue we were removed from iTunes for 4 days which coincided with us being interviewed on Radio Scotland, Kingdom FM and having our story circulated by the Press Association. It really killed us.

But it was great fun while it lasted and a great PR exercise for us. Plus we collected another few hundred in-store so the RNLI and East Neuk Wheeelchair Appeal will get a decent donation.

Anyway here's the link

YouTube video

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