Catbells-Is it heaven?

Wild has been out on the hills today. After a hard days graft yesterday on my kitchen refurb (5 hours to fit 3 cupboards on unsquare walls) Mrs Wild said it would be okay to get some R and R especially as we have a mad view weeks in store up to the Easter Break. Forecast was set fair clearing from the north becoming cooler with strong wind. Plan was to head north to Keswick and decide on route which hills to climb. I text my route thru before I set off so Mrs Wild knows where I am off to. I hadn't been on the fells above the Newlands valley for an age so I parked at the end on Catbells and set off for Hindscarth then onto Dale head, High Spy, Maiden Moor and finally Catbells. Forecast was spot on and by the time I reached Hindscarth summit and had my lunch patches of blue appeared in the grey and the afternoon was just perfect hillwalking conditions, a good stiff breeze to push you along (doing the walk in reverse would had been a bit more challenging), winter sun spotlighting the fells and not a another soul to be seen. This shot, the walk along Maiden Moor to Catbells is described in Wainwright's pictorial guide to the Lake District Hills as ' it must be something like this in heaven'. If it is I need to make sure that I get my name down. Quite a bizzare thing happened while I was out on the hill tops I was accompanied by two Raven's aerobically riding the stiff breeze for most of the time. Great to see and hear with their cronk-cronk call.

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