The Love Child Chronicles

By lovechild

Spans of Time

There are 2027 bridges in New York City, U.S.A., and today, I crossed over the Hudson River twice, via the George Washington Bridge. Ironically, I ran across this drawing from 1959, of the Washington Street Bridge in Binghamton, New York, where I was born. Coincidence?

I think not.

Bridges symbolize decisions that we are finding hard to make, especially ones that are very emotionally charged. They can represent a major journey, a critical change in one's life, or the path to enlightenment. The healing of differences or a mutual compromise create bridges that join opposing sides.

It's pretty amazing.

The past several days have presented me with difficult circumstances, unusual challenges, and critical decisions. I hadn't thought much of crossing the GWB today, but when this drawing turned up, I had to stop and catch my breath.

My father loved bridges, and passed that love down to my brother, who has done work on many of the most famous New York City bridges - including the GWB. I have written about my dad's fascination with these structures in my novel, which is reality-based fiction.

Today's "Blip" is dedicated to my father because in his own way, his work has reminded me that even the biggest obstacles can be brought together. The spans of time and space are simply the bridges to life's never ending adventures.

Where will your bridge take you?

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