michigan man

By outdoorguy

The Green Hornet

My daughter texted me yesterday and said..."Why do I get a feeling that you're going to be blipping birds for the next 6 weeks?" I texted her back..."With my long lens...what do you want me to take...old men in Speedos?"

My wife and I got up and decided to hit a few condo association garage sales. They don't know what to call them down here. The 3 we hit today were called a bazaar, a flea market, and a rummage sale. No matter what they are called...the people really turn out for them. "DON'T THESE OLD PEOPLE HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO DO?" So many shoppers that it's hard to even get through the aisles.

I got a few real pretty shots today, but I rarely get to photograph a green heron. Camera shy. Real sneaky.

I don't understand why they call them green herons. There is a touch of green there, but certainly not overwhelming. I think I will start a petition to change their name to Dark-rainbowed yellow-footed sneaky herons. It might catch on.

Hit the flea market/fruit stand this afternoon. Big place. It was my turn to cook, so we had fresh broccoli, fresh redskin potatoes, and fresh pineapple. Strawberry shortcake tommorow. Mmmmm...good.

I will think of my son Jeff when we down the strawberries. He loves them.

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