A Writer's Life

By Awriterslife

There's no place like home

I had a lazy day, spent mostly in bed. I missed my bed! Then, dinner at my mom's, where miss Lea was both pleased to me, and intent on showing me her disapproval. She started by purring on me for about 30 minutes while I petted her (which is rather rare, she usually attacks after 10 minutes). Then, I tried to convince her to follow me. Didn't work. And then she spent dinner sitting besides me, putting her paw on my thigh. Adorable. But since I'm only at home for a few days, 2 weeks top, she has to stay at my mom's. Which feel cruel.

Then, I went to see friends at the Nuit Blanche. Once a year, in the middle of the coldest month, Montreal stays up all night to go to museum, outdoor shows, parties, raves, etc. My friends were organizing something with electronic literature/hypermedia arts in a coffee shop. There, I felt home. Being with my people is good. The best of good.

I came home late, and feeling better. When what you fear happens, there is just one thing to do: pick yourself up, and keep going. And when you are lucky enough to have friends to accompany you, it just goes so much better.

I back blipped my night of travel

And posted another snow picture in my blip folio

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