A Ramblers Tale

By ramblerstale

Searching for Neverland.

These are my shoes. They are my favorite pair of shoes. Primarily because they have toes, each is separate. They look like a red and happy version of my feet. My feet are happy beings when they are in them. They are an instrument I use to try to find Neverland.

Neverland is a place we look to go to all the time. Where evil is crocodiles with clocks in them, Captain Hooks and the troublesome Lost Boys. We spend our days with endless summers, waterholes that never dry up. Rest is less of a commodity and more of a lifestyle. Strife seems to be overcome more lucratively in this place. Bridges of sorrows, depths of despair and dark valleys are rarely present here.Days are filled with a deep joy and hope that never seems to run dry. There is a deep sense of Shalom (perfect peace) and even when trouble comes; Peter Pan is always there to save the day. Life seems to go by with joy and hope in it's passing.

I'm looking for Neverland. We are all. We seem to have this idea that if we just get one more material thing. I just have to have that or this or the other thing; then we will find Neverland. Then we will reach all that we are looking for. Each day we go home after working that job we hate but pays well and find ourselves discouraged alone and not finding Neverland.For me it's always been the idea of going into missions. Always been the idea of living each second of the day following God's Spirit. Living every second in the rush of the roaring whitewater, holding on for dear life, but at least I am holding onto something.

I've been home from Thailand for almost two weeks now and Thailand in my head was Neverland. The days were full of joy and hope there. rest was a lifestyle and Peace was always present. Peter Pan I saw Him work each day and now I am looking to see Him work here. More often than not now my days are sought looking for that one job that will get me by until I can go back to Neverland. Until I can go back to Thailand. I look like a leaf sitting on the edge of a river that will ruch by and sweep me away at any moment.

What if Neverland was simply one thing where we found joy hope and peace? Thailand was neverland for me because I was doing what I loved. What I was destined to do. I am destined to love God and to love people. That is my Neverland. Neverland is knowing that above all I am created to do. That changes.

So me and my shoes? We'll keep trying to find Neverland. We'll keep seeking to find it through the storms (thankfully they can get wet), swimming through the oceans of humanity just to save that one. And off we'll go. Peter Pan leading the way.

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