
By MrsHollow

A Red Day

IT's been a good day for me today - footballwise. My beloved Liverpool football Club have won the League Cup. It might not have been the prettiest of victories, it might be a 'mickey mouse' cup but they all count.

I've supported them all my life. Many of my most vivid childhood memories are tied up in times I spent there: visiting Father Christmas at George Henry Lees with my nan, watching my dad accept the freedom of the city in the Anglican Catherdal precisely twenty minutes afer being knocked unconcious by an opening door, sailing around the Mersey on a real minesweeper (breaking several MOD rules there I'm sure), watching the QE2 visit its home port for the first time and knowing that so much of my Grandad's early working life was tied up in working on Cunard Liners, going on the ferry cross the Mersey and many more, too numerous to mention.

Mr H isn't a big fan of the team or the city (something about Steven Gerrard and a penalty!) but the only time I ever feel remotely homesick is whenwatching the start of games at Anfield. This Easter I hope to take Hollow Jnr Snr to introduce her to the city, so she can learn how important this place is to me.

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