
By MrsHollow

Bedtime Girls

Hollow Jnr has bee poorly today and off school. Having called her bluff ast night after her moaning and whinging she couldn't eat her tea because she felt ill, I took her off to bed thinking she would either go to sleep or get bored and come and eat her tea. She did neither but demonstrated in a very physical fashion that she was in fact ill - eugh!

So she's been at home today and we've had a nice relaxing day snuggled up watching telly. However she is now fully recovered as I have banished her and Jnr Snr upstairs because they are behaving like a pair of mupperts (although I think muppets might be slightly easier to control). This was the 5 seconds I actually got them to a) be quiet and b)sit still!

Mr H on his way home from a parents evening, tea in the oven and the house sort of tidy - so I didn't achieve what I set out to do today but had a lovely day with a little one.

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