On My Doorstep

By bwhere

Otherwise Occupied

I haven't been blipping recently. Perhaps you have noticed? Also, I haven't been taking photographs so there won't be any back blips.

I have had to put my attention elsewhere, as this image shows.

I was occupied this afternoon by a "minor procedure" that needed a name tag and a sensitivity tag and other bits and pieces.

Apart from that there has been decorating to do along with the purchase of new fixtures and fittings.

I've enjoyed not blipping. It has been liberating. The internet consumes too much of my time, time that can be spent elsewhere.

By the way, the old-looking tag was given me when I was born and my mother kept it. It shows my weight, length and height at birth*. I was reminded of it when I was given my new tag this afternoon and when I had to keep giving my date of birth to prove I was me.

*It has just hit me that it can't be length and height! It could be length and head circumference (it has always been big!).

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