Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Mischievous Meeting!

Three main achievements so far today:

1. I've started to load various bits and pieces into the new car and to sort the pile of stuff I took out of the old one. There will be some things that are going straight into the new car (warning triangles etc), some things that are going back in modified form (box of tissues replaced by new box of tissues for example), and some things that won't be going back (old parking tickets!).

2. I've done a question from my maths assignment. It's the start of really beginning to stretch my brain again. It felt good. I enjoyed it. Yes, there is a long way to go, and yes, I don't understand everything I need to understand yet, but that's all part of the pleasure of it - working at something I don't understand until I do understand it!

3. I've cleaned the other two rat cages. After doing the main mischief yesterday, I did Py and Mede's home and the nursery for the little ones this afternoon. I have to say, my physical energy is just about spent, and there is still clearing up to do, but it's so well worth it for the wonderment of having the little men living with me.

After I'd put Py and Mede back into their cage, I figured it was time to start seriously introducing the babies to the men. Therefore, George, Henry and Elijah spent a few minutes in the carry box with Vulcan, Isaiah, Jeremiah, IV-XL and Victor. All was good - lots of sniffing and a bit of washing, but everything friendly! Charlie and Moses were both asleep, so I didn't disturb them, but they'll meet the little lads soon too - I think it's time to start them all playing together, and, with any luck, the little ones will move into the big cage set-up next week. They're all getting bigger, stronger, and more confident now, and hopefully they'll all be fine!

Oh, and an update on Pythagoras - his abscess burst on Sunday night, so I squeezed all the gunk out, and I'm now bathing the remaining wound. He's just about finished his course of antibiotics too, so I'm now hoping that the wound heals up and all is well - poor chap is currently having to endure me bathing his eyes, bathing his wound, and then giving him nasty-tasting medicine, yet he takes it all with hardly a complaint. He and Archimedes are two of the most patient and good-natured beings I've ever encountered.

Now I could do with tidying up a bit. I could also do with going back to my maths assignment.

However, my body and mind are both complaining that they're exhausted and requesting a snooze on the sofa!

Hmmmm! The difficulties of life!

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