Life is a Minestrone !!

By bererunner

Great Crested Grebe...........

Well not so great actually..........!!

There's lots of talk about composing your photograph........yep i get that.

I'd like to mention composing yourself.........!!

We were walking by the side of Ivy Lake in Chichester, Bev had caught sight of this Crested Grebe some distance away through the binoculars............

I was off like a man possesed.......

Caught up with it, passed it, found a place to get the shot..........

Rattled off four shot before it dived out of sight under the undergrowth close by.

Did i mention i was out of breath and shaking........!!

Here we have the best of the four shots..........

I hate the term gutted, but i was truely GUTTED............!!

Still am........

So composure my friends isn't just about your image, it's also about yourself......

Lesson Learned.........!!

Please don't look large, it's even worse.

Not one for the spotlight....!


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