Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Drive Time

Off we go down to Alex today and my family (The "B's") took me for the ride. Here I am in my medium sized car harness, (cos I am medium sized I guess) which attaches to the seat belt and allows me to gently move and poke my head out the window (required K9 action) but will lock up if the Bossess (Lady Driver) makes any sudden manoeuvres.
NOT, I must hasten to point out, that she does this of course (always remembering the hand that feeds etc.) but it does give me a safe feeling in the car and I lean into it when going around corners.
Thank you all in Blipland for the great comments on Three Trees and for those of a technical bent The Boss advises that it is NOT an infra red image this time but a black and white negative of the original colour shot taken into Lightroom and coloured with Split Toning , the colours being magenta for the shadows and yellow for the highlights. Some monitors especially laptops, will show white but it is yellow. Lots of fun and I will attempt to answer questions and will be assisted by appropriate bribes. (bacon flavoured begging strips have been mentioned but I MUST remain lofty and appear not easily influenced at all times.)

Oh?For ME! Oh?Thank you. How kind and unexpected too. Oh just pop them on the bench. So thoughtful of you!

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