Friday Foto

By drmackem

What do you most desire?

OK, I'm desperate and lacking inspiration and it's Wednesday and it feels a long time until I get to stop.

Anyway driving home I'm thinking what do I blip, but can't stop thinking about chocolate. I've imposed some dietary restrictions on myself for a few weeks, having put a stone of lard on in the last year, whilst I can hide most of that being 6ft3, I know that it's a bit over what is a healthy weight for me. So no chocoate, crisps, beer, high GI carbs, wine, - you know nice stuff. And right now if you asked me what I most desire it is chocolate, I know that's superfiicial and really in the cold light of day I'd probably prefer world peace, an end to hunger and poverty, but right now in the moment it's chocolate.
So here it is a bar of my favourite, but I won't allow myself to eat it for another 4 weeks, then I'm go to eat it once!. Funny think this impulse control.

So right now, what do you most desire(normal blip rules apply please!)

So right at this moment, what is it that you most desire

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