Nora Berghoff

By nberghoff

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

I really enjoyed the Met. I loved the new Greek and Roman wing, which is where I found this tablet. Something about it fascinated me.

I am not a huge fan of modern art (sorry James, sorry Viktoria and everyone else who now feels personally offended). But "old" art and ancient "things" fascinate me.

Plus, it was one of the pictures that actually turned out nicely, despite the lack of illumination (flash is not allowed in any of the museums).

Edit: Here is another shot from the museum that I liked. It's actually a picture of the floor, which was a beautiful mosaic. This one is a picture of the NYC skyline after sunset. It isn't a great shot, but turned out okay. It's a little overexposed...
Last, but certainly not least, here is a picture of Bob on the rocks :-)

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