Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey


He feels betrayed.

Of that I'm pretty sure.

The latest squeeze.

It always starts in the same way.

The harmless flirtation.

Till she gives in with the want to covert.

She knows too that she couldn't get this any other way.

Yet everything I wish for they yield. And surprisingly, they are not vying for attention, two big lumps hanging from me. There is no sibling rivalry, but they merely serve as foils to each other, perfectly complimentary really, filling in for each other's idiosyncrasies and opportunities, shall we say.

Of course Reuben and Callum couldn't care less for them. They are, after all, just pieces of glass.

An extraordinary realisation today. I worked this morning whilst the boys were in school, picked them up, took Reuben to adaptive physical therapy where Callum too got to enjoy the games and Reuben made a few surprisingly good shots at t-ball. Despite his lack of congenital balance, he does indeed have a good hit. He is also fearless. His physical and indeed communicative challenges have never been obstacles for him in his desire to succeed. He walks with the gait of a drunken sailor, trying to find his body in space and yet, rather than that taming his confidence which could so easily be the case, he actually couldn't care a hoot, stumbles and falls, gets right back up and tries again. It's extraordinary really. And perhaps I didn't think too much about it until today. Mightily impressive I'd say.

This was a rather cool new pose by Callum. Certainly a first. And thankful I had my camera in hand to capture it. What followed next was a huge herd of wild animals all neatly lined up.

And these I just love... they spell S p r i n g.

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