Anni Mamundi

By An1ma


I was at a meeting yesterday and returned with the kind of thumping headache that says,
'Computer?' - 'I don't think so'.
I meant to take some snaps of a countryside nature on my return but.. Didn't.

I was drawn to this plaque on the building though.
Zog's a heck of a name isn't it :-)
Nice and short?
Complements Geraldine very nicely.
I expect they were interesting folk to have round for supper.
Though, Zog would've spent a lot of time in the garden; he made the Guinness Book of Records for smoking 225 cigarettes in a day. Apparently.

When I snapped this, I was reminded (I have a mind for trivia. Not much else actually).... Of a track on 'The Birds The Bees and the Monkees', called 'Zor and Zam'. ('Two little kings, playing a game....') which I hummed, earworm-like on the way home. And then came the sad news that Davy Jones has passed.
I'm clearly still tuned in to my teenage crush. How weird after all these years.
So. For all the fun of the teenage crush... Thank you and RIP Davy.

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