Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto

E is for Eggs

Another misty start to the day, but I decided early on that the sun would shine, the bees and insects and maybe the butterfly I saw yesterday would come out.

This meant that as I had already decided on my blip, when I went to the village this morning I did not take my camera, big mistake. There is a seat in the village, near a bus stop and every time I take my camera, there is no one sitting on it. Today there was a 'Nora Batty' (from Last of the Summer Wine) type person, complete with hat and old fashioned shopping bag, although she had bright pink socks rather than wrinkled stockings; there were two old men reading their newspapers, also sitting on the seat. It reminded me of Last of the Summer Wine as the two men were at one end and she was at the other end looking away from them. With my new lens this would have made a brilliant blip and I could have taken it from far enough away to not be noticed. The moral here, do not go out without a camera.

Well the sun did not appear and the bees, ladybirds and the butterfly were conspicuous by their absence. There were a variety of flowers in the garden, but then I decided to blip these eggs, for PontyCyclopes alphabet challenge. Until I looked at them carefully I had not realised how 'blotchy' they were. These are shop-bought eggs as we do not, at the moment, have any chickens.

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