If You Could See Me Now



This is Crystal , my other cat. I'm introducing her today. :D

My Uncle introduced me to this website;

Free Rice

I have learnt words I never knew even existed like:



And many others i cannot recall at this time. Those were my two favourite words from last nights round. I use it to kill the time before I went ot bed. The first words meand Pompous Speech and the second just means Pompous. I love that world. Pompous.

"For each word you get right, we donate 20 grains of rice to the United Nations World Food Program.
WARNING: This game may make you smarter."

Thats what it says. Whether or not they actually donate rice or not I have no idea. But it's fun. And addictive.

And after a while you just end up clicking words automatically. You go into a sort of trance.

Well I do.

Not today.

Silly Study.

I find I Remember things better when I write in coloured pen.

Why is that?

No clue.

Gossip Girl Tomorrow night.

I love that show.

Well, a certain male character.


Have a good one.



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