new old toy

Charley: 14 weeks
Ben: 40 months and 2 weeks (ish)

Struggled to get into any kind of rhythm today. Weird, because we slept the best we have done in a while last night. I went to bed early with the boys and fiddled with photo apps on my phone for a few hours while Steve did a bit of tiling. Had some supper while the boys slept on, and back to bed. Ben slept without a grumble, having had calpol, from an 8.30pm bedtime until 5am! For being at home with mummy around that's a record! Of course then despite having a calpol top-up he stirred every 45 minutes or so and begged for milk. Oh well. Can't have everything, evidently...

He's fairly obviously having the predicted reaction to his MMR boosters. He's finally admitted to feeling poorly and is going to have medicine before we hit the road this evening.

On the other hand, since Steve came home, he's gone utterly bonkers and I'm now exhausted from being a growly chasy monster!

Charley's been fun today :) I went through Ben's old baby toys because he was chewing his hands quite furiously, hoping to find something to chew on other than his fists. Went through a few pieces before he hit on humpty! Humpty seems to be a real hit. Lots of talking to it! And then there was some serious grumbling until I let him stand up. He had fun today :)

I'm SO hungry now. Don't know why I'm struggling so much deciding what to eat. Actually I do know, it's because I've run out of cake for the first time in months!!!!

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