
By AprilJane


We love Monopoly.

Betsy much happier today now she knows she is not the only person in the entire world to get in to her first choice school! She's excited now and looking forward to it. Sadly the 11 year olds attidudes were much nicer than some of the mothers ;) I may be a nutcase about a million things but hopefully not this one. I really hope not, anyway it's been rather unpleasant to watch!

Betsy played in a basketball tournament today, her team got to play for 3rd place but got pipped at Golden Basket so got 4th. She scored two hoops and was really pleased with how she played.

Al went to visit the new school site and got to wear a hi-viz jacket and a hard hat.

For me, KG in the morning, fun and good laughs as usual.

Chris is playing The Cocteau Twins very loudly. Its taking me right back....

So, a very good day.

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