
By Eilatanfoto

Totem to The Imagination.

It is a little damp (read torrential downpour) today, so in order to experience it to its fullest potential I headed off to a local school fete (in support of a work colleague and his two great kids)!

I like that kids view rain as an opportunity - a means of getting wet, you get to jump in puddles, there is excellent sliding mud everywhere and you can have sword fights with very cool umberellas in the short breaks in between showers ....... they remind me of my own friends who behave the same but probably get slightly harsher looks from unimpressed adults / security!

Whilst at the fete I came across these poles dotted around the school. I couldn't help but smile. (A large portion of adults walking around me didn't seem to notice them - maybe they were looking for their kids - they should have just gone to the fairy floss stand - that's where they all were).

I think these 'totems' are reflective of how great and vibrant life can be - that even on a average day there is still positives to be found!

I hope my colleague and his family had a great 'rainy' day .... and enjoyed the fairy floss: To my other colleague (who had a monumental hang-over but came along) - Well done (said quietly)!

Incidentally, to all those experiencing the cruel side of nature in NSW - thoughts are with you - I hope there are positive times ahead!

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