Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11

Why do hummingbirds hum?

Because they don't know the lyrics!!!!! I apologize for the bad joke.

I'm in Georgia visiting my father. He had to move out here after the fire. It sucks having him so far away, but for four days, I get to actually fight with him in person rather than just on the phone. ;)

Anyway, he lives in Hickville. Nothing around but farms and animals. It's about a 20-30 minute drive to civilization. But I have to say, coming out here and hearing the peaceful serenity, I am a bit hesitant to go back to the city life so soon.

While we were outside today, my dad told me to go grab my camera; I wasn't going to want to miss these shots. He was right.

Granted it took FOREVER to get the hummingbirds to feed while I was standing right next to their feeder, but I did finally get the shot, and I think it looks pretty superb.

Being out here makes me think a lot about my life back home and the stresses I face everyday. And for what? So the stresses of tomorrow can come once I get over the stresses of today?

We spend so much time concentrated on what can go wrong with our lives and what we wish we could have done differently. Well I challenge you to take a bit of time everyday and smell a flower, look out a window, see a smile. Life may be short in retrospect, but it's the longest thing we will experience. Don't let it pass you by. Drink the sweet nectar from all that surrounds you. And for just a moment, think about why you are breaking your back to get through your deadlines. Because it's what you have to do to live the life you have chosen, the one you believe will lead you to happiness.

Take a moment to just rejoice in the opportunities that have come to you in your life. Marvel at the magnificence of the natural world around you. I really do believe we can learn a lot from the animals around us. They go about their days doing everything they need to in order to survive, and they still find time to fool around or lay out in the sun.

So stop hoarding the stress into your life. Take a second and appreciate the finer things in life, like life itself.

"Leave your life to be lived."

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