Seriously Big Cameras

Any grandiose plans for getting some cycling practice this morning were put onto the back burner when we saw the damp drizzly weather on offer.
We have become fair weather cyclists. This is not good; we're beginning developing into a pair of wimps.

Instead I watched the warm up for the Meadows Marathon today.
Can you begin to imagine running 15 times round the Meadows? Hamsters spring to mind.
As I speak the runners are streaming past on the path outside the window in some sort of Gaussian curve of activity; a few of the more elite runners heading the field followed by the masses and tailing off to the few less able and brought up by two stylish ladies walking. I'm with these two, now that my running days are a distant memory.

I was amused to see one male runner in a deep pink dress, sporting false boobs but without the use of a sports bra, obviously thinking as they bounced dangerously up and down and he held them in place, that he might revert to being a man somewhere along the route.

With cycling out of the equation and the papers half read, we gave in and walked to Loudon's for a tea and the share of a slice of fruit loaf.
I couldn't resist this blip of a group at a nearby table with seriously big cameras.

I was clocked in the act of blipping them, so feeling an explanation was due, asked if they were fellow blippers. It appeared not, so I advertised the site even though as luck would have it I hadn't any blip cards with me, encouraging them to join the seriously dedicated addicted and afflicted on the site.

It would be good if something positive were to come out of a lazy Sunday.

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