The Hub

Yes the sky really was this blue early on. There are a few more puffy cloud pillows now, but the sun is still shining even though it was chilly enough for a ground frost this morning.

The tall church steeple in the background of the blip, belonged to The Highland Tolbooth St John's Church just below Castlehill, which has since been converted into The Hub, one of the centres for the Edinburgh Festival.
This view was taken from Greyfriar's Kirkyard.

It takes a small event to attract the attention of the Health Services.
A fractured humerus means I have been invited summoned to have a bone scan next week at the Edinburgh hospital furthest away from the Dower House at a hideously early hour considering the travel time required.

However much I know this to be beneficial, preventative medicine, I can't help but be worried that it could be a precursor to osteoporosis pills.
I've escaped statins, so I'm wondering if the powers that be have decided to try and get me another way.

I'm pretty sure I don't have osteoporosis. It would be unfair to be vertically challenged with very little in the way of long bones but find that the few I've got are in any way weakened.
I must suppose that someone has my welfare at heart; but I can see how easy it is to get sucked into the system.

Having spent the morning with a school friend who has blithely taken 10 years off her proper age because she thinks she can get away with it, I am about to spend the afternoon with my f.o.m.t's who is rightly 10years younger and doesn't need to lie.
I'm keeping quiet.

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