Buddy Yamaha

By richie_rollover

Ten Years Gone - Led Zeppelin

iTunes was very kind to me today. This was the first track it played after switching it on. I didn't even need to bother clicking through ten to pick the best one for the day.

In the room where my PC is there are loads of pictures on the wall and I knew that somewhere up there this shot was lurking, so I located it, stuck it in a photogenic frame and Bob's your uncle.

The shot is Roz and I just slightly over ten years ago on the day Maddy was born. It isn't the best photo of Roz and I due to the fact that I had a stinking cold and Roz had been given rather a lot of painkillers during the course of the birth. In terms of memories however it's priceless. The song title Ten years gone is not meant in any sort of negative way it's just that the time since this has flown by and sometimes I just can't believe how grown-up Maddy is now. That said the time spent as a family has been the best ten years of my life and I wouldn't change a day of it. For the blippers who have recently had kids, I'm sure you know anyway, but you are embarking on the best challenge of your lives. I'm certainly more of a man now than I was then (anyone who knows me well, on seeing the photo, will no doubt be saying "aye, about six stone more").

As for Led Zeppelin, I'm sure I don't need to give anyone too much background info about them other than the fact that they are still one of my favourite bands of all time. Jimmy Paige is a guitar genius in my book and has written so many of the all-time classic rock riffs.

Oh, and apologies for not doing much commenting over the last couple of days, but I'm still feeling dreadful and I'm away back to my bed now.

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