Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

A vase of Tete- a-Tete grown in my small garden.

I grow eveything in big green flowerpots, so I find little beauties like Tete a Tete and minature Irises , snowdrops and crocuses , ideal for the space.
These perfectly formed six petalled flowers always delight me as they return each Spring.
We have a mercifully sunny.cold day here and I am quietly reminiscing, because twenty years ago today, back in 1992, my dear Father passed way.
I believe strongly in life continuing after this one, and this is clearly told to us in the Bible. I have dreamt of Dad a few times and he always looks the picture of good health.
Dad was a quite railway man, with a powerful love for his family and a really great sense of humour. He was good with my son Greg. and with my sisters children, as they lived closer to the parental home. He enjoyed gardening, watched wrestling and comedy programmes and went to the Anglican Church. He was a loyal husband to my Mum and a great time keeper.
He was law abiding and generous. I miss him even now, but have many good memories to share with my own family.

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